TL;DR: When you see Yellow, you see service.
Yellow Mat Wellness started in 2016 as a community pop-up, the goal was simple — offer private yoga and mindfulness classes to our friends, neighbors, and local businesses. Then for every hour we got hired, we would pay-it-forward by creating an hour of trauma-informed service for a local community organization that could use those same tools.
Through this model, we have taught thousands of students practical tools for feeling better every day, but created hundreds of hours of mindfulness programming for individuals in schools, jails, rehab centers, and more.
The #1 question we are asked is “How can I get involved?” And our answer is always the same:
“Join us for practice.”
Our community’s willingness to invest in their own wellbeing is the key to help us to support the mental, emotional, and social well-being and well-doing of those who need it most.
So when we say ‘Practice Makes Possible’, we mean it.